Thursday, February 09, 2006

Something I should clarify_8_February_2006

“Target audience/ market
General Public (specially the Youngster)
This is because the youngsters are always using and creating our Hong Kong dialect and do not know that. They speak but they even do not know what they are saying and the meaning and the history of the words. It is interesting to record and visualize this local culture in the means Chinese typography and book design (may add poster design) in the final project. They often don’t like the serious things but this “actual life” cultural book with contemporary Chinese typography may arise their interests.”

The above statement is my target audience description.

Today, Esther borrows 2 books to me and says to me that my project should not be that confused in this stage. The problem should be occurred in the target audience and the achievement of this book I want.

Then, I have to clarify is that what kind of book/ content I would like to design for these youngster? What I would like to achieve? If I can clarify this point, the design direction will be clearer.


一本沒有圖,四方形的,全部10 point直排中文字的書,加上封面也是幾個楷書中文字的書,除非內容很吸引,否則沒有多少個香港青少年會想閱讀的。

這本書同樣會用很多中文字體的原素,中文字根本不是沉悶的語文,就算只有字,沒有圖的書也可以很好看;因為中文字根本就是pictogram,它自身已在繪形繪聲地說故事。文字的故事是很有趣的,加上是說切身的香港話,使青少年更加有親切感。我們的感觀不外呼五感:視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺、觸覺。這個design project已最少可包含四感。視覺上,字等於圖,圖等於字。這些「口族字」本身就是關於聽覺與味覺的表達。而書籍設計,把一個個面的紙形成一個立體形態,加上質感;完全是一個表達觸覺的設計載體。


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