Sunday, April 23, 2006

hk dialect collection poster

Wednesday, April 19, 2006



一開始設計這本書的概念是,想以中國字體設計(CHINESE TYPOGRAPHY)或圖畫文字(PICTURE WORDS/ PICTOGRAM)的表達手法去設計這本關於「香港話」的書。最後,這本《我手畫我口》嚴選出二十個「口」字旁的香港KEYWORDS,把它們化成圖畫文字,各自訴說自己的故事。










1) 古代漢語;
2) 廣東地區方言(例如客家話);
3) 外省語(例如上海話);
4) 外國語(例如英語);
5) 書面語;
6) 歌謠(例如童謠、民歌);
7) 背語(即行頭話、術語);
8) 格言、諺語;
9) 俏皮話(例如歇後語);
10) 口頭禪;
11) 穢語(俗稱粗口);
12) 江湖切口(例如黑社會暗語);
13) 佛道真言;
14) 生活文娛詞彙;
15) 地名及人名等。

第一, 這二十個「口族字」可以代表典型的香港話。這些「口族字」有齊所有以上所提及香港話的特徵,包括快的新陳代謝率、受外語的影響、幫助語氣等等。

第二, 我認為這些「口族字」有一個同樣的特徵,就是「口」,是一樣在平面設計上可以幾有趣、幾好玩的一件事。

第三, 很多這些「口族字」也是一些象聲詞,它們多是以形聲的方法所設計出來的新造字。而大部份的香港話,甚至中文也是形聲字。



這本書的書名是《我手畫我口》(Drawing what I Say)。這是有雙重義意的。
















Today, we receive the news which I the final critic will be postponed to 3 May 06. For some of us, it will be good news but some will think it is a bad news.

I almost print out the 20 booklets in real paper today. I haven't designed the layout of the introduction and conclusion booklets. I just let Esther to see my progress and the real paper and the layout. She tells me that the color of the green and the yellow can change a little bit, and she teaches me how to change to be better.

I also tell her binding problem of that the original binding I want will be difficult and ugly if I do it myself. I’m really worried about that. Esther helps me to ask immediately. I don't know the result but I hope it will be okay.



I have also designed some booklet layout for Esther to see. I try and print out lots of layout dummy. There are some variations of the font size, layout, colors, and development graphics. Esther and me modify the layout together.

And we decided the final font size of the body text: 9 point, 14 leading, -50 kerning. It will be most comfortable for the readers. I don't know why I always prefer to use small font size for the layout in this project. Maybe bigger body text and pictogram will be more suitable.

I also print out the booklets in real paper. This is the paper I love very much. I love its texture. The texture is just like the eggshell. However, there is a problem in printing of this paper. It can't print large color area on this paper, the ink can’t be absorbed well on the paper. The effect is too bad. If I just print some black strokes and small color area, the result will be very great.

So, I have to think of changing the layout or changing the paper for the book.



I have done all the layout of all the 20 covers for the books. I decided to use 4 colors to represent the 4 chapters for the covers. The four colors are the pink (representing the love chapter), the purple (representing the Hong Kong chapter), the yellow (representing the culture chapter), and lastly the blue (representing the life-style chapter).

I try to print out the covers for testing. Esther think that the colors maybe too colorful for the whole large picture. There are 4 different colors for the line stroke for the big pictogram. She suggests me that the 4 colors can be the background for the big picture and the stroke of the pictogram can be in white color.

Besides, I also take some photos of this tutorial. Haha! All of us put the layout on the floor. Good!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

translation of the 20 words

The following words are the translation of the 20 words of the post on April 3, 2006.
I asked my friend who studies translation to translate these for me.
Thx milk!

1. gulp down one’s sob
2. insolent (or arrogant)
3. tease
4. Coincidence
5. Stagger (or crooked)
6. chit-chat (or twaddle)
7 savor
8 boo
9 An onomatopoeia , it sounds as“Dud”
10. 咩 used in the interrogative (a) by itself to ask questions e.g. What do you mean? 你咩意思? (b) Before a noun to ask who or what e.g. who is he? 佢係咩人?
11. To defame or praise someone
12. Sluggishly
13. A quantifier, e.g . it can mean a piece of, an amount of…
14 crowd around (or close in)
15 Japanese
16. Arrogant
17 An onomatopoeia , it sounds as“Ding”
18. Have interest
19. Long-winded
20. Retch


I have designed the layout of a booklet and show it to Esther. And it is not that okay for the layout and the flow is not good enough. The yellow color I choose is very ugly.

I also decided the cover of the 20 booklet is divided from a very big poster. There is a meaning of the poster. The poster is showing a pictogram of the mouth. I express earlier that mouth represents a kind of communication and integration. There is a circle inside the mouth that is representing eating the food and it is a communication and integration of the body and the food with the media of the mouth. The arrow pointing from the mouth represents talking, which is the communication between one another in the use of the mouth. That is the concept of this big poster. And the covers of the 20 booklets are developed from this.

There are also some pictograms that I have to design for the graphics of each passage.

There is no much time and I have to do faster and faster. I think I need not to sleep for these 2 weeks lu!

Monday, April 03, 2006

meaning of the 20 words






1) 吹氣(演奏)
2) (風、氣流等)冲擊
3) 使生氣
4) 奈何(含挑釁語氣)
5) (用言語)誇耀賣弄
1) 吹喇嘛
2) 吹咗張報紙落地
3) 吹到佢啤啤聲
4) 我係唔做,吹咩!
5) 有乜好吹喎。

1) 仔細辨別滋味等,有享受的意味
2) 喻指仔細推敲當中的含意
3) 俗稱與女性/男性交合
4) 象聲詞。品嘗味道時舌頭與上顎接觸發出的聲音
1) 嗒番杯
2) 呢單嘢嗒真啲先得。
3) 嗒咗條女/呢條仔我嗒硬。
4) 食到嗒嗒聲!

解釋: 象聲詞。指為制止或驅遂某人而發出的聲音。

1) 翹起嘴巴
2) 象聲詞。某種機器發出的聲音,如八達通機。
1) 嘟起個嘴
2) 嘟一嘟八達通先

10咩 】mé1
1) 表示疑問,什麼
2) 表示疑問語氣,有時帶有驚愕或反詰得語氣
1) 做咩啊?
2) 咩事?

1) 唱歌
2) 大聲叫
3) 公開要求
4) 詆毀;中傷
1) 唱首歌嚟聽吓啦!
2) 唱票
3) 唱減息
4) 等唱衰你先!


1) 塊,團
2) 俗稱一百塊錢
1) 一嚿飯
2) 五嚿水

1) 水銹痕跡;汗碱
2) 圍攏
1) 呢度有一大笪哄。
2) 咁多人哄喺度做乜?


1) 㗎話ga4 wa6-2:俗指日本話
2) 㗎仔ga4 zei2:俗稱日本年輕男性,也說㗎佬
3) 㗎妹ga4 mui4-1: 俗稱日本年輕女性
4) 㗎頭ga4 teo4:舊時指日本人


1) 蚊、蜂等類昆蟲螯刺人畜。
2) 象聲詞。門鐘、微波爐所發出的聲音。
3) 再引申為用微波爐的動詞。
1) 我俾隻蚊叮咗一吓。
2) 叮噹!
3) 我去叮個飯先。

1) 監視;緊盯
2) 對人、物感興趣,多用於否式
1) 吼實佢呀,唔好俾佢走甩呀!
2) 實冇人吼啦!

解釋: 說起來沒完的,囉嗦,嘮叨,埋怨


Friday, March 31, 2006

Evaluation of tutorial_31_Mar_06

I just give the last 3 passages to Esther today. In fact, I have finished the entire main content of the book. There are only the introduction and conclusion passages left.

And I just want to use pictogram as the visual elements for the book. But I haven’t developed yet. So, I have to really do the paper dummy for the booklet for Esther to see next time.


—— 傅珮嘉《幹掉你的胃》









「囂」字由「頁」和四個「口」組成。 在甲骨文的「頁」字,像一個頭部很突出的人形,它的本義其實是指人頭。許慎在《說文解字》說:「頁,頭也。」在其他字中也可看出「頁」跟頭的關係,如項、頸、鬚、額;通通與頭有關。所以這個「頁」就代表人,一個人圍著四面都是「口」,顯示說話的人很多,聲音嘈雜,有喧嘩之義;再引伸為囂張浮誇。


囂,確實是一部分香港人的生活態度,講甚麼、做甚麼也是囂囂的、串串的,要自大,要SHOW OFF。要了解香港人這種「囂」的生活態度,可能要從中國人說起。





Thursday, March 30, 2006












Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Evaluation of tutorial_28_Mar_06

I have worked overnight in studio in SD yesterday because I think I do this project very slowly and I want to put more time and effort to do the layout of my book.

But working for a day, the entire testing layouts are failed and all are rubbish. Sitting before the computer, I think that I really don’t know how to design layout after 3-year design education. I really have big trouble.

好像讀完三年design,跟了Esther這麼久,我也好像像沒有學過一樣,完全唔識。之前所排的layout都是隨意的;或是我只可以排一些跟晒grid,排得整整齊齊、穩紮穩打的layout,可以騙一下人。昨晚,我完全感覺不到本書的flow;所有visual element都看不到;他們的作用與感受好像完全看不到。

I spent 2 days to trace the pictogram into the computer format. And there are some of them still not so good. But I think I have to design the layout and the other graphic in the book. So, I spend lots of time to try to design the layout. But, I lost. I really lost.

Luckily, Esther teaches me some methods to design the layout again.

1) There is flow for the book. There is interaction and linkage between pages to pages. There is a sequence of paper for flipping.
2) There are lots of visual elements. All are affect the layout of the book. Simply putting the graphic into the square box, we have to consider the box is enclosed or not. If it is not an enclosed box, there is a chance for the white space to flow out.
3) The heaviness and the lightness in a book are important. The whole book should not be very noisy from start to the end. We have to give readers to have a rest. There should be comfortable situation and noisy environment in a book.
4) All the visual elements have a kind of effect and feeling to us. Everything is suggesting and providing something. I have to learn to “see”.

I have to work hard la!

Evaluation of tutorial_24_Mar_06

The process of developing the pictograms is very slow and difficult. This is quite a hard job. Making a thing fancy is a difficult job, but making a thin simple is a much more difficult job. When making the pictogram, all the details should be carefully considered. This is because every slightly difference can make the whole the gesture of the pictogram better or worst.

Esther thinks some of them are okay and some of them have to modify again and again. In fact, I have to scan all the “okay” ones into the computer and trace it. It will be difference when all strokes are standardized. All of them have to be slightly adjusted.

Evaluation of tutorial_21_Mar_06

This this week, I have concentrated on the development of the pictograms. And the quantity of the words is narrowed down into just 20 words. That means there are 20 pictograms, 20 passages and about 22 booklets (20 content booklets + 1 introduction + 1 conclusion).

My design process is like this:
1) I have traced all the related pictogram of the甲骨文 into the little elements.
2) I use these useful Chinese elements to reconstruct the words.
3) Then, I have to modify them and use my own sense to judge the action and the design expression.
4) Finally, I have to decide which is ok and which is not.

I have given the development sketches for Esther to see. Both of us agree and approve some of them. And others have to be modified.

And Esther teaches me how to judge. There are some of the pictogram is okay and it is easy to judge others. I can design lots of them and compared with the “okay” one and I can judge this is really okay or not.

When I finished some “okay” pictograms, I really feel quite happy!

Evaluation of tutorial_17_Mar_06

I also hand in some of the passages to her today.

And I also break down the Chinese element of the each words and try to use甲骨文 to reconstruct it and development my own pictogram. I think it is very playful and the direction this time should be right. So, I also explain to her how it works. In the end, she agrees this idea and direction with me.

I have to do more testing for this pictogram.

Evaluation of tutorial_14_Mar_06

I just talk a little with her today. I have hand in some passages (the content of my book) to her.

She thinks about my pictogram again. She considers that I have to design a system for my pictogram. For example, that dot represents a man and this stroke represents a action. And all the things have to be defined, standardised and unified. I said I have take the ancient Chinese pictogram/ kanji (甲骨文) as reference.

She also recommends me to research on the TOMPA language (東巴文) and TOMPA culture. This language is a kind of picture words. This is very interesting and the drawing is just like the pictogram we use now. But this is a kind of special language. Asaba (淺葉克己) have found this culture and language 12 years ago and he brings it back to Japan and use this as graphic design element/ typographic element. It is a kind of trendy things in Japan in one or two year ago.

Evaluation of tutorial_10_Mar_06

Today, we want to be healthier and absorb more Vitamin E from the sun. So, we go to the grassland on the podium to have tutorial. The environment here is quite comfortable.

I really heard a lot today. I have asked Esther about the book designer LES (孫浚良). And I know him more and lots of secrets. Wa! Actually, the design talent and one’s personality can be separated.

I give the more sketches and some of the pictogram/ Chinese Typography development for Esther to see. There is one about “嚤” and “唱”. Her comment is negative and she thinks that it is not good and not beautiful and not suitable. Therefore, I need to develop another direction. I also deconstruct each of the words into little text elements and try to use甲骨文 to replace the little Chinese elements. And I think this is interesting. And Esther also thinks that this can be one of the directions I can develop.

Besides, I also tried some of the design variations of the five pictograms on the cover. Esther thinks that the best one is still the first one. Some little things I have to modify such as the size of the “mouth” pictogram and the cross of the “draw” pictogram.

I gain quite much today.

Evaluation of tutorial_7_Mar_06

Today is the interim presentation day. The whole presentation is quite smooth. And Esther does not have any problem and she knows what I’m doing and my project very well.

I have shown the pictogram of “I draw what I say” (我手畫我口) in the presentation. And Kenny asks me how to develop the pictogram. In fact, the pictograms of this five words are developed from the ancient Chinese, the 甲骨文. And why I would like to do this? The reason is all my words are from the Hong Kong dialect. Most of them are newly created words from the Hong Kong people. Therefore, I would like to use this pictogram to make a kind of contrast to the content.

Kenny also thinks that I have to put a lot of effort on research in this project. And there should be lots of development and testing.

Anyway, this presentation is quite smooth and don’t have much problem.

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