Wednesday, April 19, 2006



I have also designed some booklet layout for Esther to see. I try and print out lots of layout dummy. There are some variations of the font size, layout, colors, and development graphics. Esther and me modify the layout together.

And we decided the final font size of the body text: 9 point, 14 leading, -50 kerning. It will be most comfortable for the readers. I don't know why I always prefer to use small font size for the layout in this project. Maybe bigger body text and pictogram will be more suitable.

I also print out the booklets in real paper. This is the paper I love very much. I love its texture. The texture is just like the eggshell. However, there is a problem in printing of this paper. It can't print large color area on this paper, the ink can’t be absorbed well on the paper. The effect is too bad. If I just print some black strokes and small color area, the result will be very great.

So, I have to think of changing the layout or changing the paper for the book.

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