Tuesday, February 28, 2006

VC Final Project Requirement Checklist 2005/06 (Publication)

A. Common requirements for all projects

A well designed theme board/poster to explain your project. This will be presented in the final presentation as well as the gradshow.

> Format and size to be confirmed as more information on the final presentation venue and format is revealed.

> Content on the poster(s) should include the followings:
1. Theme/title of your project (a short statement)
2. Background of your project (no more than 200 words). It should be concluded with the identified issue(s).
3. Goals and objectives of your design proposal (bullet points)
4. A simple DIAGRAM to describe the different stages of your entire project (ie your process)
5. Challenge of your project (short paragraph or bullets)
6. Reflections / self-appraisal (short paragraph, around 70 words)

Optional: image of target audience, some visual explorations as mood images, user testing results, interview result highlights and insights derived, etc.

> The development sketches and prototypes. Please at least insert them all in a nice booklet or any other format agreed by your tutor.

B. Requirements for projects of different nature

1. Publication Design
Interim Presentation
1. Target audience profile
2. Pagination
3. Grid system or a structure to describe the content flow
4. At least 2 spreads of layout which can represent the overall style of your publication in the use of typography and imageries.

Final Presentation
1. Full colour book dummy with actual paper (if printable from your home printer), otherwise just show it with paper samples
2. Print quotation and specification
3. Printing effect (find existing samples to convey your idea)

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