Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Basic structure of a book

I have found out the notes I wrote down in the time of DS4 which is from Esther’s ppt.

A. cover- title page- contents page- introduction
B. body- chapters
C. appendix- bibliography- notes

Visual hierarchy:
The study, understanding, control, manipulation of the relationship of each part to the other parts and to the whole
- form
- weight
- density
- space

- syntax
- size
- textual
- shapes
- weight
- density
- direction
- movement
- rhythm
- space
- ……

- paper
- book size
- typographic size
- photographic power
- white space

- black and white relationship
- typographic column
- leading
- image
- structure/ organization

- typographic
- leading
- Weith of column
- (series, sequence, time, movement, and rhythm)

• Typographic syntax as the process of arranging typographic elements into a cohesive whole

• Typographic sign (letters) as form (weights, sizes, shapes) with white space and visual dynamic

• Word signs with matching with idea and expression

• Column with light, dark, density, creating a movement and tension

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